  1. Australia Japan Emerging Research Leaders Exchange Program: 2019, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.
  2. Australia Japan Emerging Research Leaders Exchange Program: 2017, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.
  3. Australia Japan Emerging Research Leaders Exchange Program: 2014, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.
  4. Future Fellowship: 2012-2016, Australian Research Council.
  5. Award for Excellence in Research Publications: 2012,School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales Australia, Canberra.
  6. Supervision Excellence Award: 2011,School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales Australia, Canberra.
  7. Sir Anthony Mason Fellowship: 2006, University of New South Wales.
Competitive Research Grants: External
  1. ARC Discovery Grant : Singh, Ray , and Sinha, Evolutionary computation for expensive bilevel multiobjective problems, 390,000 AUD, 2022-2024.
  2. ARC Discovery Grant : Ray , Li and Branke, A novel and efficient approach for optimization involving iterative solvers, 360,000 AUD, 2019-2021.
  3. Department of Defence, Capability Systems Centre Research Contract: Ryan, Singh and Ray , 157,500 AUD, 2018-2019.
  4. Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme: Singh, Bhattacharjee, Ray , Mostaghim, Moritz, Identification of solutions of interest to aid evolutionary multi-objective optimization and decision-making, Universities Australia and DAAD, 2017-2018.
  5. ARC Discovery Grant : Young, Lai, Ray and Bomphrey, Intriguing aerodynamics of bees, hoverflies and beyond, 380,000 AUD, 2013-2015.
  6. ARC Future Fellowship: Ray , Development of methods and algorithms to support multidisciplinary optimization, 539,768 AUD, 2012-2016.
  7. Australian Space Research Program: Boyce, Ray, et. al, Scramjet-based Access-to-space Systems, 5,000,000 AUD, 2010.
Research Contracts: External
  1. Honda Research Institute (GmbH) : Singh, Ray and Kenny, 48,000 AUD, 2024.
  2. Honda Research Institute (GmbH) : Singh, Ray and Kenny, 33,356 AUD, 2023.
  3. Honda Research Institute (GmbH) : Singh, Ray and Kenny, 33,107 AUD, 2023.
  4. Honda Research Institute (GmbH) : Singh, Ray and Kenny, 31,080 AUD, 2022.
  5. Honda Research Institute (GmbH) : Singh, Ray and Kenny, 21,664 AUD, 2022.
  6. Honda Research Institute (GmbH) : Singh and Ray, 47,544, AUD, 2022.
  7. Honda Research Institute (GmbH) : Singh and Ray, 47,619, AUD, 2021.
  8. Honda Research Institute (GmbH) : Singh and Ray, 23,622, AUD, 2021.
  9. Honda Research Institute (GmbH) : Singh and Ray, 49,628, AUD, 2019.
  10. Honda Research Institute (GmbH) : Singh and Ray, 30,639, AUD, 2019.
Competitive Research Grants: Internal
  1. Silverstar Grant, UNSW : Hazell, Ray,Kleine and Escobedo, Micro-architectured structures for collision-resistance applications, 20,000 AUD, 2018.
  2. Defence Related Research Grant, UNSW : Ray and Ryan, Optimum design of tests: Uncovering system vulnerabilities and performance envelopes, 19,600 AUD, 2018.
  3. Defence Related Research Grant, UNSW : Ray and Ryan, Identification of solutions of interest from large data sets: Pathway to informed decision making, 18,000 AUD, 2016.
  4. Silverstar Grant, UNSW : Ray, A novel learning approach for simulation based optimization, 20,000 AUD, 2016.
  5. Future Fellowship and Discovery Support Grant, UNSW : : Ray, 70,000 AUD, 2015.
  6. Special Research Grant, UNSW : : Singh and Ray, Finding knee solutions to aid decision making for multi/many-objective optimization problems,3,906 AUD, 2015.
  7. RTS PhD Scholarship, UNSW : Sreenatha and Ray, Design and development of Eco-friendly Underwater Vehicle, Australian Postgraduate Award Rates, 2014.
  8. RTS PhD Scholarship, UNSW : Singh and Ray, Development of optimization methods for problems involving multi-fidelity analysis, Australian Postgraduate Award Rates, 2014.
  9. ARC Support Grant, UNSW : Young, Lai, Ray and Bomphrey, Intriguing aerodynamics of bees, hoverflies and beyond, 50,000 AUD, 2013.
  10. Goldstar Award, UNSW : Young, Lai, Ray and Bomphrey, Exploiting the extraordinary aerodynamics of bees and hoverflies,40,000 AUD, 2012.
  11. Special Research Grant, UNSW : : Ray, Development of Efficient Scemes to Deal with Equality Constraints in Black Box Optimization Problems,7,100 AUD, 2012.
  12. Silverstar Award, UNSW : Lai, Young and Ray, Can we learn from nature to outfly the fly, , 30,000 AUD, 2011.
  13. RTS PhD Scholarship, UNSW : Ray and Abbass, Uncovering the Secrets of Good Design Beyond Optimization, Australian Postgraduate Award Rates, 2010.
  14. Major Research Equipment and Infrastructure Scheme, UNSW : Garratt, Ougrinovski, Ray, Pota, Anavatti, Satellite positioning and inertial navigation system,35,000 AUD, 2010.
  15. Defence Security Application Research Centre (DSARC) PhD Scholarship, UNSW : Neely, Riesen, Ray and Odam, Prediction and Measurement of Heating Distributions on Hypersonic Vehicles, Australian Postgraduate Award Rates, 2010.
  16. UNSW-ADFA Collaborative Research Grant: Prusty and Ray, Development of a Novel Fatigue Life Prediction Model for Characterisation of Composites Exposed to Extreme Temperatures,18,000 AUD, 2010.
  17. Special Research Grant, UNSW : Ray, Development of Optimization Methods to Deal with the Fundamental Challenges in Many Objective Optimization Problems, 6,000 AUD, 2009.
  18. Defence Security Application Research Centre (DSARC) PhD Scholarship, UNSW : : Ray, Boyce and Coleman, Development of Methods for Spatial Approximation and Prediction of Flowfields, Australian Postgraduate Award Rates, 2008.
  19. Silverstar Award, UNSW : Lai, Young and Ray, Float Like a Butterfly: the Physics of Optimal Flapping Wing Flight, 20,000 AUD, 2008.
  20. Learning and Teching Grant, UNSW : : Smith, Ray and Fien, Integrating Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces with a Problem Based Learning Framework, 10,000 AUD, 2008.
  21. Defence Related Research Grant, UNSW : : Ray and Sreenatha: Development of a Dynamic, Micro, Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Multi-objective Online UAV Path Planning, 12,000 AUD, 2007.
  22. Defence Security Application Research Centre (DSARC) PhD Scholarship, UNSW : Ray, Smith and Cannon, Development of Optimization Methods for Trans-dimensional Optimization for Concept Evolution, Australian Postgraduate Award Rates, 2007.
  23. Faculty Research Grant, UNSW : Young and Ray. Aerodynamic Optimisation of Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle Propulsion using Multi Fidelity Models and Evolutionary Algorithm, 12,000 AUD, 2006.
  24. Faculty Research Grant, UNSW : Boyce, Tsai Her Mann, Ray, Young, Kleine, Mudford, Neely.Investigations of supersonic and hypersonic shock wave/boundary layer interactions in controlled pressure gradients, 21,000 AUD, 2006.
  25. Special Research Grant, UNSW : Ray. Develop Novel Optimization Algorithms, 5,000 AUD, 2006.
  26. RTS PhD Scholarship, UNSW : Boyce and Ray, Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation for Hypersonic Air-Breathing Propulsion, RTS PhD Scholarship, UNSW@ADFA, Australian Postgraduate Award Rates, 2006.
  27. RTS PhD Scholarship, UNSW : Ray and Smith, Framework for Design Optimization Operating on a CAD System, Australian Postgraduate Award Rates, 2006.
  28. UNSW-ADFA Collaborative Research Grant : Kara, Kayis, Sarker, Abbass, Ray, Freeman. A Complex Systems Approach to Quantifying Forrester Effect in Manufacturing Supply Chain, 12,000 AUD., 2005