Teaching profile - Hemant Kumar Singh
This page includes the details about my teaching and related activities and the University of New South Wales Australia.
Courses taught
I have convened/taught in a number of undergraduate courses taken by the Engineering Disciplines (Mechanical, Aerospace, Civil), which include:
Leadership/administration roles at UNSW
I have undertaken the following leadership/administration roles in the school/faculty in UNSW:
- SEIT Engineering Workplace Experience (EWE) Co-ordinator, 2022-to date
- SEIT Research Focus Area co-ordinator for Optimization and Design, 2018-to date
- Faculty promotions panel member, 2020-2022
- SEIT Teaching support team member, 2020
- SEIT executive panel, member at large, 2018-19
- Program Co-ordinator, Mechanical Engineering (4423/4474), 2015-2018
- Member of the Undergraduate Leadership Group (UGLG)
- Member of the Staff Student Liasion Committee (SSLC)
- Deputy Warden (B20-21)
I have completed the following programs:
- Graduate Ccertification in University Learning and Teaching (GCULT), UNSW, 2015
- Foundations of University learning and Teaching (FULT), UNSW, 2014